About us

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The company was established in December 1999 as a construction company with universal specialization.

We carry out projects in the field of public, industrial and housing constructions. Our customers include prominent representatives of the public sector, especially in reconstruction projects of schools, and also investment and development companies while implementing new administrative, production and commercial buildings, new housing complexes or reconstructions. 

The company owns a modern equipment of a high technical quality as well as highly trained personnel. Continuous monitoring of trends and cooperation with experts and companies from various sectors of the building industry ensures the highest quality of implemented projects.

At the present time, we deal with the problems of passive building, renewable energy sources and friendly technologies. Implementation of building works is provided in the Czech Republic and Slovak Republic, as well.

What you can expect from us

  • Complete range of works (new constructions, reconstrucion, revitalization)
  • The highest quality of provided work and service according to : EN ISO 9001: 2016, ISO 14001: 2016, ISO 45001: 2018, EN ISO 50001: 2019
  • Personal approach, reliability, professionalism, experience
  • Complete service (professional consultancy, design work, engineering, financing of building projects, administration ), resp. "turnkey projects"
  • Processing of applications for donation programs (e.g. IROP, Zelená Úsporám)
  • Customer service
  • Sufficient third party liability insurance
  • The maximum environmental protection during the construction works
  • We put emphasis on occupational health and safety at work
  • High-quality and modern technical facilities


In the context of business activities, the company follows applicable law regulations and the legal code of the Czech Republic., The European Union and other requirements arising from the needs of all stakeholders.The company management is committed to the general requirements for ensuring a high level of services, environmental protection and safety at work by introducing an integrated system in accordance with applicable international standards.

We support

Foundation Fund Modrý Hroch

For several years, we have supported Foundation fund The Blue hippo and child traumatology. As one of the major donors we actively participate in improving the treatment of children recovering after severe injuries and making the hospital environment more pleasant for them.

Joža Úprka 1861-1940

The publication follows the extensive exhibition organized by the Art Gallery in Hodonin in 2011 on the 150th anniversary of the birth of Joza Úprka. Reprint of this publication was successfully realized with the support of our company.

Charity Breclav

In 2010, Hrusecka constraction company, Ltd. participated in providing a vehicle for REMEDIA Plus o.p, p. Břeclav. It is a social vehicle, which will help in the care of the elderly and handicapped.
